Van Etten 570 Resiliency Upgrades and Tie Line

As part of our commitment to provide safe, reliable service to all our customers, New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG), in conjunction with our parent company – AVANGRID, is updating the delivery system in our service areas. These upgrades comply with new electric distribution reliability requirements. 

The Van Etten 570 Resiliency Upgrades and Tie Line project intends to install an approximately 8.4 mile 34.5kv tie line/line rebuild between the Van Etten 570 circuit serving the Van Etten Village/Township and the Ridge Rd 501 Circuit feeding the Erin Township. The tie line will start near the VergasonTechnology, Inc building traveling along NY-224, turn west on NY-223 (Swartwood Hill Rd), across Austin Hill Rd., back to NY-223 (Swartwood Hill Rd), and end near the U.S. Post Office in Erin, NY. 

Additional Information:

For additional questions, please call the Project Information Line at 877.245.6790.

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