NYSEG Upgrading Substation and Circuits in Brewster Division

Reliability, resiliency, and capacity will increase

Upgrades will improve service for customers


BINGHAMTON, NY — August 9, 2023 — New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) is upgrading the Dingle Ridge substation and associated circuits to increase reliability, resiliency, and capacity for its customers.

“We know our electric grid needs to be upgraded and this is an important enhancement that signals NYSEG's commitment to upgrading our region's utility infrastructure to ensure reliable service,” said Assemblyman Matt Slater. “I am hopeful that we will see similar upgrades for other portions of their service area in the Brewster Division.”

The project will relocate and upgrade the current 5 megavolt amperes (MVA) bank to a new substation located in Brewster, NY, with two 22.4 MVA transformer banks, as well as convert a few segments of distribution circuits from 4.8 kV (kilovolt) to 13.2 kV circuits to increase capacity and support reliable supply. This project will increase reliable energy service for 729 customers. The upgraded lines will include supervisory control and data acquisitions, a technology that allows energy to be rerouted when a line goes down.

“Investing in our grid allows us to better serve our customers, which is a top priority at NYSEG,” Rob McDonough, manager of regional operations, Brewster Division of NYSEG. “This project will reduce the number of outages and the time of outage that do occur for customers by increasing our reliable service.”

Construction for the substation upgrades began in September 2022 and is on track to be completed in June 2024. The distribution circuit upgrades are in the design phase; construction start for the circuits is yet to be planned. 

“We need a commitment to ensure a more robust and dependable energy supply in Putnam County,” said Putnam County Executive Kevin Byrne. “Improvements to our grid are desperately needed and I thank NYSEG for making this investment in our infrastructure. It will enhance the reliability of our electrical system, benefitting residents and businesses.”

NYSEG’s commitment to upgrading and modernizing equipment to provide communities with the best service is an important part of its operations. These investments will help reinforce the grid in the face of increasingly severe storms and make way for the clean energy of the future.

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