NYSEG to Perform Maintenance and Inspection on Dam Adjacent to Lock C3

CHAMPLAIN CANAL, MECHANICVILLE, NY – July 29, 2019 (10:00 A.m. EST)Mariners are advised that New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) has announced that it will lower the water surface level between Champlain Canal Locks C-3 Mechanicville and Lock C-4 Stillwater by 6 inches below the crest of the dam or elevation = 66.1 feet beginning on Monday, July 29 and lasting through Friday, August 2 to accommodate inspection and maintenance on the dam at Lock C-3.

These activities will cause a drop in the water level which may affect boats and docks on the pond level above Lock C-3. This reduction should not impact most recreational traffic. Commercial or recreational vessels drafting more than 10 feet should contact the Canal Corporation for additional information at 518.461.0942. Any complications or inclement weather conditions may delay this schedule.

Chart 14786 C-02 covering the affected area can be found by visiting http://www.canals.ny.gov/navinfo/charts/14786c02r.png.

Features along the eastern portion of the Champlain Canal are listed by mileage by visiting http://www.canals.ny.gov/wwwapps/navinfo/navinfo.aspx?waterway=champlain.

For updates and information, please visit Canals.NY.gov.

Media Contact:

Michael Jamison


585.484.5361 (business hours)

203.997.7906 (mobile phone)

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