NYSEG to Help Holtec International Employees Bounce Back from Layoffs

The Company is looking to fill more than 20 positions at job fairs beginning Thursday


BINGHAMTON, NY — August 9, 2023 — New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) will participate in job fairs across the region starting Thursday, August 10 at the SUNY Broome Ice Center in Binghamton. This fair is open to all.

The New York State Department of Labor is hosting a career fair on Wednesday, August 16 for employees who are being laid off from Holtec International in Buchanan. NYSEG is looking to assist these highly trained and motivated workers transition from one position directly to another. Opportunities include analysts, engineers, customer billing representatives, among others.

Below is the list of events NYSEG will attend: 

Date Location Time
August 10 SUNY Broome Ice Center, 901 Upper Front St., Binghamton 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
August 16 Holtec International, Indian Point Energy Center, 450 Broadway, Buchanan 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.


NYSEG continues to hire and strengthen its workforce across its operations. The Company will participate in more career fairs planned across the region in the coming months.

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