NYSEG Statement on Congressman Molinaro's Billing Letter

NYSEG Hears Customers’ Concerns and is Working to Improve 

Binghamton, NY – February 16, 2023 — New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) today released the following statement regarding Congressman Marc Molinaro’s letter about customers’ billing concerns:

“NYSEG has received Representative Molinaro’s letter concerning billing issues. As communicated in prior media statements and news releases, the Company has been working to overcome the staffing challenges presented by impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected NYSEG’s ability to obtain actual meter reads, issue bills and staff call center and meter services departments. 

We welcome the opportunity to meet with Rep. Molinaro to discuss his concerns and share our actions to date to increase staffing and ongoing plans to correct these impacts in order to continue delivering safe, reliable electric and natural gas service to our customers just as they’ve relied on us to for decades.”

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