NYSEG Restores Power to 90 Percent of Customers Following Thunderstorms

BINGHAMTON, NY – August 8, 2019 (11:00 p.m. EST)NYSEG, a subsidiary of AVANGRID Inc., continues restoration efforts following an afternoon of severe thunderstorms, lightning and extreme wind gusts across the state. As of 11:00 pm, approximately 3,000 customers remain without power. Crews and contractors will continue to work on restoration efforts until all customers are restored.

NYSEG encourages customers to sign up for Outage Alerts to receive updates throughout the evening automatically by phone, text or email as the company updates the status of the restoration process in their area. This information is also available online .

NYSEG offers the following reminders:

Power Restoration Priorities

NYSEG’s first priorities are to respond to reports of downed power lines to keep the public safe. (NYSEG customers are asked to call 1.800.572.1131 to report downed wires.) Once this vital public safety work is complete, the company will:

  • Assess the damage to the electricity delivery system.
  • Develop a detailed restoration plan.
  • Make repairs as quickly as possible.

Stay Away From Downed Wires

  • Stay at least 20 feet from a downed power line.
  • If a downed wire comes in contact with your vehicle, stay inside and wait for help. If you must get out because of fire or other danger, jump clear of the vehicle to avoid any contact with the vehicle and the ground at the same time. Land with your feet together and hop with feet together or shuffle away; don’t run or stride.
  • NYSEG customers should call 1.800.572.1131 to report downed power lines or other hazardous situations

During a Power Interruption

  • Contact neighbors to see if their power is off. A loss of power may be the result of a blown fuse or a tripped circuit breaker.
  • To report a power interruption, contact NYSEG at 1.800.572.1131.
  • Don’t use a natural gas or propane range to heat your home.
  • Never use outdoor grills or stoves inside.
  • Keep refrigerators and freezers closed as much as possible. Most food will last 24 hours if you minimize the opening of refrigerator and freezer doors.

Safety After a Storm

  • Stay out of flooded or damp basements or other areas if water is in contact with outlets, a furnace or any electrically operated appliance that is energized. The water or moisture may conduct electricity. Contact may cause serious or fatal injury.
  • You may have a lot of tree debris in your yard following a storm. Wait until power line repairs are complete before you begin your storm cleanup.
  • Turn on appliances and sensitive electronic equipment one at a time to avoid overloading circuits.
  • Replenish emergency supplies used during the storm.
  • Additional storm safety information is available online .


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