NYSEG Releases Daily Restoration Plan to Restore Customers - 7 am

Company expects to complete restoration this morning

BINGHAMTON, New York — August 10, 2020, 7:00 a.m. — NYSEG, a subsidiary of AVANGRID Inc., released its daily restoration plan for today. According to the plan, the company expects to restore today all remaining customers that were impacted by Tropical Storm Isaias. Currently, 93 customers impacted are without power in the company’s Brewster division, which includes Dutchess, Putnam, and Westchester counties. Complete restoration is projected to occur this morning.

After Restoration:

NYSEG encourages any customer without power after restoration is complete to contact the company at 1.800.572.1131 to report the issue and allow crews to investigate. Once every customer is restored, the company will continue to fix remaining damage that occurred but did not affect customers or the reliability of service. That will then be followed by a full system sweep of all affected circuits to look for damage or issues that may have been missed but that could cause service disruptions in the future. The system will then be returned to normal conditions.

For additional information, including storm preparation tips, storm safety information, generator safety information, restoration priorities and emergency resources, visit Outage Central at NYSEG.com and on the company’s social media pages: 

  • Facebook: @NYSEandG
  • Twitter: @NYSEandG

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