NYSEG Preparing for Forecasted Thunderstorms and Wind - 1:30 pm

BINGHAMTON, NY — April 21, 2020, 1:30 p.m. EST — NYSEG, an AVANGRID company, is preparing for the potential of severe thunderstorms expected to impact the company’s Brewster Division (Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess counties) on Tuesday and Wednesday. As a result, service interruptions are possible. 

Current forecasts call for thunderstorms to begin on Tuesday, with high winds carrying over into Wednesday. As a result, isolated wind gusts of 45 mph are possible. The companies urge customers to monitor forecasts prepare for the potential of outages.  

In anticipation of the weather the company’s storm readiness team has been monitoring weather forecasts, planning, and readying and staging crews and equipment. Additional personnel have also been deployed to the Brewster Division in advance of the weather. 

Given the ongoing COVID-19 challenge, the company reaffirmed that crews are continuing to follow CDC recommendations, including social distancing and hygiene related best practices. Recognizing the NY PAUSE has many residents sheltered at home, for everyone’s safety we ask customers and our crews to observe a six-foot social distance if they must be near our workers and always remain outside the work zone. The company is also coordinating preparations with state and local emergency management officials. 

The company will provide updates throughout the event to the general public on its website and social media channels (Facebook and Twitter) and also remind customers of the following safety tips to prepare for the storm and stay safe if power outages do occur.

Before a storm strikes

  • You can use our new mobile app to report and check the status of outages. To download the application, customers should search “AVANGRID” in the Apple or Android app stores and select “NYSEG.” The application is free to download.
  • Sign up for Outage Alerts to receive updates automatically by phone, text, or e-mail as the company updates the status of the restoration process in their area. Customers can sign up for Outage Alerts online.
  • Keep battery-operated flashlights and radios on hand, along with supplies of drinking water and non-perishable foods.
  • Make sure that smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices are fully charged.
  • Fill your car’s fuel tank.

Stay Away From Downed Wires

  • Stay at least 30 feet from a downed power line.
  • If a downed wire comes in contact with your vehicle, stay inside and wait for help. If you must get out because of fire or other danger, jump clear of the vehicle to avoid any contact with the vehicle and the ground at the same time. Land with your feet together and hop with feet together or shuffle away; don’t run or stride.
  • NYSEG customers should call 1.800.572.1131 to report downed power lines or other hazardous situations.

During a Power Interruption

  • Contact neighbors to see if their power is off. A loss of power may be the result of a blown fuse or a tripped circuit breaker.
  • To report a power interruption, contact NYSEG at 1.800.572.1131.
  • Keep refrigerators and freezers closed as much as possible. Most food will last 24 hours if you minimize the opening of refrigerator and freezer doors.

Power Restoration Priorities

The companies’ first priorities are to respond to reports of downed power lines to keep the public safe. NYSEG customers are asked to call 1.800.572.1131 to report downed wires. Once this vital public safety work is complete, the company will:

  • Assess the damage to the electricity delivery system.
  • Develop a detailed restoration plan.
  • Make repairs as quickly as possible.

For additional information, including storm preparation tips, storm safety information, generator safety information, restoration priorities and emergency resources, visit Outage Central and on the company’s social media pages:

  • Facebook: @NYSEandG
  • Twitter: @NYSEandG

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