NYSEG Customer Service Improvements Continue with 40% Drop in Manual Bill Reviews

With more meter reads, NYSEG expects reduction in billing issues
45 new customer service representatives hired as first wave of 100 new staff this year 

Binghamton, NY — February 8, 2023 — New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) continues to make significant improvements to customer service with increased staffing levels. As a result, the Company’s backlog of bills requiring manual review has fallen more than 40 percent since September across NYSEG and RG&E. The Company attributes this to the meter read workforce stabilizing, reading more meters, and reducing estimated bills, which will reduce billing issues.

“Improving the customer service experience is a top priority for our Company,” said Trish Nilsen, president and CEO of RG&E and NYSEG. “It’s a process that takes time, it takes time to train new representatives in order for them to provide quality service, and we are holding and accelerating this training now.”

Forty-five new customer service representatives will begin training soon. NYSEG has already hired more than 120 customer service representatives, with over 100 more positions to be filled this year, resulting in reduced wait times for customers contacting the Company. With the addition of 40 billing specialists last year, the Companies were able to expedite billing reviews, resulting in more timely bills.

The installation of Smart Meters has already begun in NYSEG, an initiative that will reduce billing issues by significantly reducing estimates. The Company will continue to improve the customer experience as it reaffirms its commitment to provide safe and reliable energy to the community.

RG&E and NYSEG encourage people interested in starting a career to view opportunities available now:

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