NYSEG Begins Tree Trimming Across Entire Service Territory to Increase Reliability

With 51% of all outages caused by trees, trimming now underway from Lancaster to Mechanicville divisions

NYSEG urges drivers to slow down when approaching tree trimming crews in work zones

BINGHAMTON, NY — March 4, 2024 — New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) is increasing tree trimming activity across its service territory, including work to trim and reclaim easements around the Company’s lines funded in its latest rate case. Tree contacts cause more than 51 percent of all outages in NYSEG territory, and these projects are expected to increase reliability for customers.

“The work focuses the identification and remediation of hazardous trees, both inside and outside the rights-of-way along our critical infrastructure,” said Kyle Duck, manager of regional operations at NYSEG. “We’re reclaiming areas around our lines and establishing regular trimming schedules for all territory. We’re also focusing on danger trees, like ash trees, which are dying out and are therefore at greater risk of falling.”

The tree work will include removal of trees within a minimum of 10 feet side-to-side of lines, and 15 feet overhead. Dead or structurally unsounds limbs that could present a hazard to lines will also be removed, even if they are outside the zone to be cleared. If a danger tree is outside the Company’s right-of-way, crews request permission from the customer/property owner before removal.

NYSEG will spend $20.7 million in 2024 on this work, with circuits in its Binghamton, Elmira, Ithaca, Hornell, Lancaster, Lockport, Mechanicville, and Oneonta divisions scheduled for trimming. Additional areas will be identified for trimming in 2025 and 2026.

In some cases, tree crews may require access to customers’ property to perform this work. Notification of the work in each area will be made via customer postcards and most, but not all, customers should also expect an in-person visit from a vendor working on behalf of NYSEG. For more information on NYSEG’s vegetation management program, please visit:  Tree Care - NYSEG 

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