NYSEG and RG&E Donate $54,000 to Health and Welfare Nonprofits Across New York

BINGHAMTON, NY — April 27, 2021 — New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and its sister company Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E) recently donated a total of $54,000 to health and welfare organizations across New York state. The donations are part of the companies’ Corporate Donation Program to support and care for the communities that it serves.
“We not only serve our communities as the local utility, but we’re members of the community and it’s important to us to support our neighbors,” said Dave Gridley, Director of Government & Community Relations at NYSEG and RG&E. “It has always been one of our priorities to support local health and welfare organizations; however, this year we recognized that it’s more important than ever. The pandemic has created challenges within our communities that has increased demand for these organizations’ services and support. We’re proud to support their efforts.”

In total, NYSEG and RG&E provided gifts and sponsorships to more than 20 health and welfare organizations across its service area. At NYSEG, the company donated to organizations within its divisions as follows:

Brewster Division

NYSEG donated $4,500 to nonprofits in NYSEG’s Brewster division, which includes Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester counties. The company provided donations to CoveCare Center, Westchester Community Opportunity Program and Lions Club of North Salem Community Betterment Fund. Additionally, NYSEG donated $5,000 to the Salvation Army, which serves Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester counties.

“The funds from NYSEG are so appreciated and will allow us to reach even more community members in need,” said Eric Toth, CEO of CoveCare Center. “Especially now, we need to work together to help those who are facing mental health and substance use challenges. We are very thankful to have the support of NYSEG.”

NYSEG’s donations will support the organizations in the following ways:

  • CoveCare Center: Funds will support CoveCare Center’s mission to partner with individuals, families, and the community to foster hope, wellness, and recovery, and to restore quality of life by addressing mental health needs, substance use, and social and emotional issues.
  • Westchester Community Opportunity Program: Funds will primarily support the organization’s Intervention Program, which provides financial assistance to individuals and families in need. The assistance could be for housing, utilities, transportation, medical expenses or any other unanticipated expense that causes a hardship on a household already struggling to meet their monthly bills.
  • Lions Club of North Salem Community Betterment Fund: Funds will support the organization’s 2021 Community Fund, including support for a food drive and living expenses for those in need.

Binghamton Division

NYSEG donated $8,000 to nonprofits in NYSEG’s Binghamton division, which includes Broome, Chenango and Tioga counties. The company provided donations to The Children’s Home of Wyoming Conference, Broome County Habitat for Humanity, United Way of Broome County and The American Red Cross Western NY Region. Additionally, NYSEG donated $5,000 to the Salvation Army, which serves the Binghamton region.

“NYSEG is an amazing community partner,” said Shaina Orwan, Marketing & Communications Analyst at The Children’s Home of Wyoming Conference. “Over the past 20 years we have received support for our Annual Ice Cream Social, Holiday Tree Lighting, various Rumble Ponies tickets and in 2021 we were able to partner with NYSEG in a new capacity, helping us reach over 4,000 individuals and groups who embrace the work we do. Whether volunteering time, donating money or hard goods, we appreciate you and all your team does to help accomplish our Mission on a daily basis!”

NYSEG’s donations will support the organizations in the following ways:

  • The Children’s Home of Wyoming Conference: Supporting the organization’s mission of working with children and families to inspire hope, develop skills and cultivate healthy relationships for positive futures.
  • Broome County Habitat for Humanity: The organization helps families build a better future by partnering with them to build their own homes alongside volunteers. Funds will support building costs, such as lumber, for a house currently under construction.
  • United Way of Broome County: For more than 100 years, United Way of Broome County has worked to improve lives by creating opportunities people need to build a better future for themselves and their families. Funds will support the organization’s various programs and services. 
  • The American Red Cross Western NY Region: Funds will support the Southern Tier Real Heroes event, which celebrates the spirit of humanitarianism by honoring individuals who have shown courage, dedication and unselfish character by their acts of heroism in our community.

Elmira Division

NYSEG donated $3,000 to nonprofits in NYSEG’s Elmira division, which includes Chemung, Steuben and Schuyler counties. The company provided donations to Pathways, Inc. and The American Red Cross Western NY Region. Additionally, NYSEG donated $5,000 to the Salvation Army, which serves the Elmira region.

“We are grateful for the support of community members like NYSEG,” said Joseph M. Cevette, President and CEO for Pathways, Inc. “This support strengthens our ability to continue to provide crucial programs and services for those that need it most.”

NYSEG’s donations will support the organizations in the following ways:

  • Pathways, Inc.: Funds will support Pathways’ specialized programs and services for children, adults and families. Topics include developmental disabilities, mental health, family support, traumatic brain injury and child care.  
  • The American Red Cross Western NY Region: Funds will support the Finger Lakes Real Heroes Event, which celebrates the spirit of humanitarianism by honoring individuals who have shown courage, dedication and unselfish character by their acts of heroism in our community.

Geneva Division

NYSEG provided Seneca Housing with a $1,500 donation to support the organization’s Veterans Housing Initiative and its effort to build a ground floor handicap accessible unit. Additionally, NYSEG donated $5,000 to the Salvation Army, which serves Seneca county.

“We are honored to be nominated and chosen to receive this grant,” said Melissa Nesbit, Executive Director of Seneca Housing. “The generosity of our community partners such as NYSEG is incredibly heartwarming, especially during these difficult times. We are so grateful for our community partners and all they do to make Seneca County a better place to live.”

Ithaca Division

NYSEG donated $2,000 to Human Services Coalition of Tompkins County to support its mission of enhancing the delivery of health and human services in Tompkins County. The organization accomplishes its mission through three main areas of programming: Human Services Planning, Health Planning and 2-1-1 Information and Referral Services. Additionally, NYSEG donated $5,000 to the Salvation Army, which serves the Ithaca region.

“This past year has brought into sharp focus the generosity and resilience of our community and how much we can accomplish by working together,” said Kathy Schlather, Executive Director at The Human Services Coalition. “We’re honored by the thoughtful contribution from NYSEG.  This support from NYSEG affirms to the HSC staff and board that the community appreciates the efforts put forth by our 211 call center, health care navigation and advocacy, housing initiatives and nonprofit consulting. As our community begins to reopen, HSC will continue to work with our many partners to help the residents of Tompkins County stay safe, well informed, and meet their health insurance needs.”

Lancaster Division

NYSEG donated $2,500 to Family Promise of WNY to support emergency shelter for homeless families. Family Promise of WNY is one of only two shelters in Erie County that keep families of any makeup together through the crisis of homelessness. More than 70% of their guests are children. In addition to Family Promise of WNY, NYSEG donated $5,000 to the Salvation Army, which serves the Western New York region.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has brought so many unforeseen challenges to non-profits,” said Luanne Firestone, Executive Director of Family Promise of WNY. “As a homeless shelter, we have had to modify everything in our shelter from rearranging the lay-out of furniture to modifying the way we cook and serve dinners to installing safety measures such as hand-sanitization stations throughout in order to keep our guests and staff safe.  NYSEG is offering us critical support in these extremely challenging times. Their funds will go directly to helping us meet the needs of the homeless children and families we serve."

Liberty Division

NYSEG donated $3,000 to nonprofits in NYSEG’s Liberty division, which includes Orange, Sullivan, Delaware and Ulster counties. The company provided donations to Action Towards Independence and Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless. Additionally, NYSEG donated $5,000 to the Salvation Army, which serves the Catskill region.

"Action Toward Independence is so honored to be chosen by NYSEG for this amazing donation,” said Deborah L. Worden, Executive Director, Action Toward Independence. “We have worked very hard to stay open during the pandemic, because it is so important to meet the needs of the community during this difficult time, and NYSEG’s generosity helps us continue to help others. We are so grateful for NYSEG’s support!" 

NYSEG’s donations will support the organizations in the following ways:

  • Action Towards Independence: Action Toward Independence advances the independent living philosophy and advocates for the legal and civil rights of individuals with disabilities. Funds will help support their various programs and services. 
  • Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless: Established in 1987, Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless aids individuals and families in need. The donation will help support their food and advocacy efforts.

“The Federation has always had a strong partnership with NYSEG. But this year, when we needed them the most, it truly meant the world,” said Kathy Kreiter, Director Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless.

Mechanicville Division

NYSEG donated $1,500 to CAPTAIN Community Human Services to support its Runaway and Emergency Youth Shelter, which offers youth refuge in a home-like environment when they have nowhere else to turn. The funds will also support the organization’s Care Links, which offers support to low-income senior citizens to stay safe and age in place. Additionally, NYSEG donated $5,000 to the Salvation Army, which serves the Capital Region.

"As a community-based organization, we rely on the selfless support of philanthropic partners like NYSEG,” said Andy Gilpin, Executive Director at CAPTAIN Community Human Services. “With this generous gift, we're able to ensure our community's kids have food on the table, seniors have transportation to critical medical appointments, and homeless teens have a safe place to spend the night and get the help they need. The unrestricted nature of their gift allows us to direct funds to where they're needed the most."

Oneonta Division

NYSEG donated $4,500 to nonprofits in its Oneonta division, which includes Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Greene, Herkimer, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Otsego, Schoharie and Ulster counties. The company provided donations to Caring for the Homeless Population Collaborative, Habitat for Humanity of Delaware County and The Family Services Association. Additionally, NYSEG donated $5,000 to the Salvation Army, which serves the Mohawk Valley Region.

"Partnerships with local businesses like NYSEG ensure that we can keep working towards a world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live,” said Kayliegh Riordan, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity of Delaware County. “We can't accomplish such a momentous task without such heartful community support. Every penny donated is used to move us toward our vision, that everyone has a decent place to live.”  

NYSEG’s donations will support the organizations in the following ways:

  • Habitat for Humanity of Delaware County: The funding will support its Building Program and Small Projects Program. Habitat for Humanity will be breaking ground this spring on a new build that will become a home to a family in Delaware County.
  • Caring for the Homeless Population Collaborative: Help fund the organization’s plan to build a warming station for homeless people in the Oneonta area.
  • The Family Services Association: Funds will help support Family Services Associations’ various programs and its mission to support individual and family strengths and to assist area residents in meeting their own needs.

Plattsburgh Division

NYSEG donated $4,500 to nonprofits in the company’s Plattsburgh division, which includes Clinton, Essex, Franklin and Hamilton counties. The company provided donations to Autism Alliance of Northeast NY, Senior Citizens Council of Clinton County, Inc. and The Prevention Team. Additionally, NYSEG donated $5,000 to the Salvation Army, which serves the Greater Plattsburgh region.

“A primary focus of The Prevention Team’s work focuses on strengthening protective factors against substance use and related high-risk behaviors, as well as reducing risk factors that have been shown to be predictive of those behaviors,” said Douglas Terbeek Executive Director of The Prevention Team. “Substance use and other dependencies take many forms. In our ongoing work during the pandemic with schools, students and families, the issue of “Screen Addition” has surfaced as a major concern for both students and adults. The Prevention Team will be using these funds from NYSEG to support a public awareness initiative in Essex County we are developing to raise and define this issue, explain the reasons for concern, and provide information about resources for further information and help.”

NYSEG’s donations will support the organizations in the following ways:

  • Autism Alliance of Northeast NY: Funds will support the organization’s grant program, which provides financial support to people with autism and local agencies that serve them.
  • Senior Citizens Council of Clinton County, Inc.: Funds will support the organization’s various programs and services which assist senior citizens.
  • The Prevention Team: Funds will be used to support substance abuse prevention education and training in Essex County schools.

In addition to NYSEG and RG&E’s donations to local health and welfare nonprofits, the companies’ 2021 Corporate Donation Program will also provide grants later this year to local nonprofits focused on food security, arts and culture and education and young people. These donations will impact every division within the NYSEG and RG&E service area.
NYSEG and RG&E’s support is enhanced by additional giving through the Avangrid Foundation, the charitable giving arm of the AVANGRID family of companies. Since 2002, the Foundation and its predecessors have invested more than $28 million in partnerships to help meet a number of community needs. In New York, the Avangrid Foundation has made more than $5.5 million in grants to nonprofit organizations, educational institutions and qualified programs during the last five years, including longstanding partnerships with locally affiliated chapters of Habitat for Humanity, The American Red Cross and the United Way.

NYSEG and RG&E are subsidiaries of AVANGRID, Inc.

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About NYSEG: New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) is a subsidiary of AVANGRID, Inc. Established in 1852, NYSEG operates approximately 35,000 miles of electric distribution lines and 4,500 miles of electric transmission lines across more than 40% of upstate New York. It also operates more than 8,150 miles of natural gas distribution pipelines and 20 miles of gas transmission pipelines. It serves approximately 894,000 electricity customers and 266,000 natural gas customers. For more information, visit nyseg.com.

About RG&E: Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RG&E) is a subsidiary of AVANGRID, Inc. Established in 1848, RG&E operates approximately 8,800 miles of electric distribution lines and 1,100 miles of electric transmission lines. It also operates approximately 10,600 miles of natural gas distribution pipelines and 105 miles of gas transmission pipelines. It serves approximately 378,500 electricity customers and 313,000 natural gas customers in a nine-county region in New York surrounding the City of Rochester. For more information, visit rge.com

About AVANGRID: AVANGRID, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) is a leading, sustainable energy company with approximately $36 billion in assets and operations in 24 U.S. states. With headquarters in Orange, Connecticut, AVANGRID has two primary lines of business: Avangrid Networks and Avangrid Renewables. Avangrid Networks owns eight electric and natural gas utilities, serving more than 3.3 million customers in New York and New England. Avangrid Renewables owns and operates a portfolio of renewable energy generation facilities across the United States. AVANGRID employs approximately 6,600 people. AVANGRID supports the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals and was named among the World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2019 and 2020 by the Ethisphere Institute. For more information, visit avangrid.com.

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