NYSEG AND RG&E Remind Customers to Dig Safely

Customers are urged to call 811 before you dig
Contractor and homeowners should follow simple steps for a safer project


BINGHAMTON, NY — July 31, 2023 — As summer continues, New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E) are reminding customers that safety always comes first before taking on any outdoor project that involves excavation or digging.

Residents and contractors should educate themselves on dig safety requirements in code 753, a New York regulation that establishes protections for underground facilities. Homeowners should call 811 or contact UDigNY.org to place a location request at least two days before the start of a digging project. The Companies encourage customers to include Dig Safe conversations with any contractor with whom they are working – whether it’s a major construction project, a garden fence, or mailbox post – any unmarked digging can put customers and households at risk. The service is free and can be scheduled by contacting UDigNY.org or by calling 811.

Follow these tips for a safer project:

  • Plan to have underground utilities marked as part of all outdoor projects that involve digging or excavation.
  • Mark out the area of construction with white paint.
  • Call UDig NY, a free and easy service at 811 or visit UDigNY.org.
  • Verify all utilities listed on the UDig NY ticket have been marked or cleared prior to beginning underground construction.
  • Be aware: privately owned utilities may be present during construction and are the homeowner’s responsibility to locate. These may include but are not limited to gas, electric, water, sewer, storm water, cable, and telecommunication service lines that are not public utilities.
  • Properly maintain all underground utility markings.
  • Hand dig in the area of underground facilities.
  • If our underground facilities are damaged or disturbed, notify RG&E at 800.743.1702 for natural gas or 800.743.1701 for electricity. NYSEG can be notified by calling 800.572.1121 for a natural gas emergency and 800.572.1131 for an electric emergency. We'll come right away to ensure the site is safe and make repairs if required.
  • Use and properly install suitable backfill material around underground facilities.

NYSEG and RG&E are subsidiaries of AVANGRID, Inc.

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