NYSEG Addresses Frequently Asked Questions As Crews Work to Make Final Restorations - 1:00 pm

Crews working to restore power in hardest hit and remote areas

BINGHAMTON, New York — August 9, 2020, 1:00 p.m. — NYSEG, a subsidiary of AVANGRID Inc., shared answers to frequently asked questions as crews work to restore power in the hardest hit and remote areas. Currently, approximately 3,800 customers are without power in the company’s Brewster division, which includes Dutchess, Putnam, and Westchester counties. Earlier today, the company released its daily work plan, which is designed to address every remaining outage on the system. While additional details of the plan can be found here , the company reiterated that it will not release any line resources until every customer is restored.

Frequently asked questions include:

Q: Estimated Times of Restoration (ETRs) – my ETR changed, why and how is the company updating them?

A: As part of the work plan today, the company has allocated crews to address every remaining outage. Understanding that customers without power seek the most up-to-date information about restoration times, the company has reassigned wire guards and damage assessors that have completed their tasks to act as “runners” – relaying information directly from the jobsite to the operations team to allow the company to update ETRs as quickly and accurate as possible. As such, depending on the damage and necessary work to repair it, ETRs may be adjusted throughout the day. The company encourages customers to check their ETRs on their website or mobile app throughout the day.

Q: Will NYSEG Reimburse Customers for Food?

A: NYSEG encourages customers seeking damages as a result of the storm to file claims through their own insurance company. However, if their insurance company requires that a claim first be filed with NYSEG, the company has claims department staff on standby and ready to expedite the process. Customers can submit claims to NYSEG at www.nyseg.com/claims. For customers that choose to file a claim, the company will investigate the claim based on the information customers provide. The investigation may include review of records, interviews with employees or witnesses and a technical evaluation. In most instances, claims for damages that are caused by weather-related conditions or other acts of nature are not compensated. To assist customers, the company has made ice (both wet and dry) and bottled water available to customers via their local municipalities.

Q: Outage Alerts – why may customers not be receiving alerts?

A: Due to the complexity of the restorations taking place and the way personnel need to make updates to the outage management system, the company is not currently sending message to customers enrolled in Outage Alerts. Had the company left the system active, the necessary work being completed in the field would have likely caused customers to receive inaccurate information, such as their power has been restored even if it has not. As such, to avoid confusion and frustration, the company made the decision to turn the system off. After we complete work in this event we will turn the program back on. Customers can still receive updates by replying, “status” to previous text messages sent from the system, or by visiting nyseg.com or the company’s mobile app.

Q: Customers report seeing crews sitting in parking lots or near electric equipment but they don’t seem to be working, why?

A: Customers may see crews at a work site or in a nearby parking lot waiting to begin a task. Due to the significant workforce in the field at the moment, many circuits have multiple crews working to restore power. As a result, some crews will have to wait for a separate incident elsewhere on the circuit to be cleared before they can begin their work. This is for the safety of the crews, equipment and customers. All crews are being utilized in an efficient manner that will assist in restoring power to customers as quickly and safely as possible.

Q: How can customers stay up-to-date with outage information?

NYSEG will continue to provide updates throughout the event to the general public on the company’s website and social media channels (Facebook and Twitter).
The company also offers customers the following reminders to prepare for the storm and stay safe if power outages do occur.

Outage Information:

  • Customers can use the company’s website or the new NYSEG mobile app to report and check the status of outages. To download the application, customers should search “AVANGRID” in the Apple or Android app stores and select “NYSEG.” The application is free to download.

Stay Away From Downed Wires:

  • Stay at least 30 feet from a downed power line.
  • If a downed wire comes in contact with your vehicle, stay inside and wait for help. If you must get out because of fire or other danger, jump clear of the vehicle to avoid any contact with the vehicle and the ground at the same time. Land with your feet together and hop with feet together or shuffle away; don’t run or stride.
  • NYSEG customers should call 1.800.572.1131 to report downed power lines or other hazardous situations.

During a Power Interruption:

  • Contact neighbors to see if their power is off. A loss of power may be the result of a blown fuse or a tripped circuit breaker.
  • To report a power interruption, contact NYSEG at 1.800.572.1131.

For additional information, including storm preparation tips, storm safety information, generator safety information, restoration priorities and emergency resources, visit Outage Central at NYSEG.com and on the company’s social media pages:

  • Facebook: @NYSEandG
  • Twitter: @NYSEandG

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