EDI Test Instructions

The following information highlights NYSEG's instructions for the Phase III testing process

These processes are defined in the Technical Operating Profile for Electronic Data Interchange in New York – Supplement 1.

Additional Information

The ESCO / Marketer Should:

  • Review NYSEG Phase III Testing Schedule and select an available test period that is suitable for their purposes.
  • Contact the appropriate party as indicated on the Phase III Testing Schedule instructions to enroll for testing.  A NYSEG representative will contact the designated ESCO/Marketer/DER to discuss testing.

Please Note:

  • NYSEG operates a highly secure and controlled Internet infrastructure and has a detailed set of technical information in its Pre-Testing Worksheet to be reviewed with the ESCO/Marketer’s information technology staff.
  • NYSEG EDI implementation is in accordance with the guidelines and standards as documented in the Public Service Commission's Case 98-M-0667. Any specific exceptions or conditions are documented in NYSEG Pre-Testing Worksheet.
  • NYSEG will coordinate with the ESCO/Marketer/DER to perform the Connectivity Testing section of the testing requirements in advance of the actual test batch start date. Due to the complexity of NYSEG secure Internet infrastructure and in order to expedite the batch testing process, NYSEG prefers to perform connectivity testing with ESCO/Marketers/DERs on a one-by-one basis. Completing the connectivity testing with each ESCO/Marketer/DER ahead of the actual test batch start date affords the business transaction batch testing to proceed more quickly.

Effective January 1, 2003, all new electric and/or gas suppliers applying for approval in NYSEG's Service Territory must first successfully complete EDI Core Testing as part of the approval process. New suppliers will be required to satisfy all application requirements, including creditworthiness criteria of NYSEG and the NYISO prior to being accepted into an EDI test batch. This new requirement will require up to 3 weeks to complete. Those interested in a Utility Bill Ready Consolidated Bill will require up to an additional 3 weeks of testing. Please reference NYSEG's EDI test batch schedule .

Request a reservation for a test batch.

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