A message from President & CEO Carl A. Taylor to our customers

As you try to enjoy the holiday season, I want to thank you for being a valued customer of NYSEG. From the ongoing pandemic to a tumultuous storm season, meeting the energy needs of our customers is always our priority.
My personal motto of “Customers First” remains our guiding principle as we work each day to deliver safe and reliable power to you and your family. This involves continued investments in the reliability and resiliency of the energy system. In 2021, we’ve made significant investments to upgrade our infrastructure and continue to make it stronger against severe weather events. This includes projects in nearly every corner of the state. Despite our best efforts to harden the system against storms, Mother Nature still gets the better of us – as it did recently when the same storm system that brought devastation and loss of life in the Midwest moved across the state, impacting many of our customers. While storms are unavoidable, please know that the women and men of NYSEG take pride in helping to ensure that we deliver safe and reliable energy service. 

Over the past year, NYSEG has worked to improve the quality of service in the following ways:

  • Instituted a Distribution Line Inspection program to proactively inspect the energy system that delivers service to our customers with the goal of addressing issues that pose the potential for causing service disruptions before they occur. To date, our team has made more than 19,700 repairs across the state.
  • Implemented a “Danger Tree” program to remove dead trees outside of the distribution right-of-way that pose the potential of causing an outage. This is in addition to our regular tree trimming efforts that have also been expanded.
  • Implemented and expanded new technologies, such as our mobile app, into our customer service program to make communicating with our company easier and more efficient. 

Beyond serving your energy needs, staying connected to the communities we serve is extremely important to us at NYSEG. As members of the community, we take pride in volunteering around in our cities and towns throughout the year. We’re also proud to have given back to our community through donations to a variety of organizations — from food banks and health and welfare charities to LED lightbulbs for nonprofits. We look forward to remaining actively engaged in our community in 2022 and beyond.

Our number one priority is and will always be providing you safe and reliable service. We will continue to put Customers First! 

I want to wish you and your family a healthy, safe and prosperous holiday season and happy New Year. 

Very truly yours,

Carl A. Taylor

President & CEO, NYSEG and RG&E

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