A message from NYSEG President and CEO Carl A. Taylor to our valued customers

With the summer season upon us, I’d like to thank you for being a valued customer of NYSEG. At this time last year, many of us were adjusting to the “new normal” brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. As we continue to resume work that was disrupted by COVID-19, we will continue to follow CDC guidance to keep both our customers and our employees safe. For NYSEG, the mission of providing safe and reliable energy service is personal. Each day our employees work to ensure that you have the energy needed to power life.

Over the past year, we’ve made significant infrastructure investments to improve the reliability and safety of the system. As a result, we’ve been able to:

  • Modernize the grid and replace aging infrastructure
  • Make real progress trimming and removing trees that pose a risk of causing outages
  • Harden the grid against harsher more frequently occurring storms

While we realize that there is much more to do to improve our aging infrastructure, we are planning to make additional investments in the future. My personal motto of “Customers First” remains a guiding principle as we support and care for the communities we serve.

Building on our “Customers First” mindset, in the second-half of 2021, you’ll likely see an increase in communications from our company encouraging you to sign up for eBill, and download our FREE Mobile App, in addition to other important customer programs. Improving your overall customer experience is a priority and these programs are key to helping us do that. Our Customer Service team is also working on new ways to improve how you can interact with us, expanding your options and simplifying many routine tasks. It is my expectation that as a result of these efforts, you’ll find interacting with NYSEG to be more hassle-free.

As we modernize the energy system and improve your customer experience, we’ll also begin installing smart meters across the system. This three-year project (2022-2025) is a foundational component of improving the services we can offer you. Smart meters will also eliminate most estimated billing and empower you to better manage your energy usage.

While we can’t prevent every outage, please know that the employees of our company strive each day to safely and reliably serve your energy needs. As we continue those efforts, I want to thank you for being a customer of NYSEG and wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable summer.


Carl A. Taylor
President & CEO, NYSEG and RG&E

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