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Usage Help

Support - Usage Help landing page FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

With a Login ID and Password you can use our personalized prefilled form. Just log into your account, go to the Meter Detail section, and select "Submit".

This service is for customers who prefer to receive bills for actual energy use on the months we would normally send an estimated bill. Customer meter reading is also for customers that have inside meters and it's not convenient to be home when the meter reader arrives.

You may purchase your electricity supply from NYSEG or an energy services company (ESCO). For the most up-to-date list of ESCOs, please visit our online list of suppliers: Electricity Suppliers

Yes, NYSEG encourages customers to improve their home’s energy efficiency, and we offer rebates for high-efficiency home heating and water heating upgrades, as well as lighting upgrades for multi-family apartment and condominium owners. View our residential rebates and programs.

We also have an online energy savings store, NYSEG Smart Solutions, that offers rebates and deals on energy-efficient equipment.

Additional resource: NYSERDA Residents & Homeowners

Get natural gas service in three steps:

  • Step 1: Apply Today

To begin the application process apply online or call us at 800.572.1111.

  • Step 2: Complete the Commitment Letter

Once you have applied for service our representative will mail you a commitment letter for your signature. This is a simple agreement between you and RG&E that says if we install a natural gas service to your home you will connect a gas appliance to this new service within 90 days. Fill in any additional requested information, mark your preferred location for the natural gas meter on the map on the reverse side of the letter, and return the letter to us in the postage paid envelope. One of our engineers will then visit your home to complete the service and meter design. The job next goes to our construction department.

  • Step 3: Connect!

Once the service and meter are installed you can have your natural gas appliances connected. Once your appliances have been installed, call NYSEG to schedule our crew to turn on the natural gas.

You or your contractor should plan to be at home for the turn on appointment.

That’s all there is to it! We take care of everything that you need on our side of the meter. All you have to do is pick out and have your natural gas appliances installed.

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Still Need Help? Give Us a Call

Non Emergency Contacts

24 hours/7 days a week

Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. (excluding holidays)

Emergency Contacts

If you are experiencing a natural gas emergency, or if you suspect a natural gas leak, get up, get out and get away! Then call us immediately at 800.572.1121 or 911 from a safe location.

If you are experiencing a life-threatening electricity emergency, please call 911 immediately. Otherwise, please contact us at 800.572.1131 for electricity outages or trouble, or use our online form.

If your power is out you can report it online or by calling 800.572.1131.

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