Utility Thermal Energy Networks

Utility Thermal Energy Networks

Bringing Clean Energy Solutions to our Customers and Communities through Shared Thermal Resources

NYSEG is developing an innovative project to deliver clean heating and cooling to our customers. We are focused on improving our customers’ access to clean energy by enabling emissions reduction technologies across every aspect of the economy that we touch. From reducing our own carbon footprint, to working with our partners and suppliers to further develop the market and workforce, to enabling our customers to adopt more efficient, renewable and lower-emitting technologies, we are committed to helping our communities transition to a clean energy economy.


What is a Utility Thermal Energy Network?

A utility thermal energy network (UTEN) is a network of equipment and distribution infrastructure owned and operated by a utility that supplies thermal energy to connected buildings (homes or businesses). The network may use various thermal energy sources like groundwater, geothermal boreholes, surface water, etc. to provide energy for heating and cooling via geothermal heat pumps in the buildings. 


How does a UTEN work?

The UTEN moves a water-based energy transfer fluid through the pipes to circulate thermal energy between the ground or other thermal source(s) and geothermal heat pumps in the buildings. By utilizing the thermal energy in the network, the geothermal heat pumps provide customer’s energy savings while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Illustration of a Utility Thermal Energy Network

What are the Benefits of a UTEN?

Utility Thermal Energy Networks (UTENs) can support the achievement of New York’s clean energy goals while supporting a clean energy transition by: 
•    Providing a constant and reliable source of renewable energy for heating and cooling buildings. 
•    Enabling greater access to clean energy.
•    Promoting beneficial building electrification.
•    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions 
•    Creating jobs and supporting the clean energy workforce.
•    Encouraging local economic development with investments.


What Pilot Project has NYSEG Proposed?

In response to the Utility Thermal Energy Network & Jobs Act and to further our organization’s commitment to sustainability, NYSEG has proposed a UTEN pilot project. This project will displace existing heating systems in residential and commercial buildings with high-efficiency heating, cooling, and ventilation (HVAC) systems that utilize geothermal energy for both heating and cooling. The UTEN will draw heat from geothermal wells as part of an open-loop system.


How do I participate?

If you own a building within the proposed project area, you may be are eligible to participate in our pilot program. Residents or businesses potentially served by the system will be notified individually to gauge interest and provide next steps. 


How do I learn more?

You can check our FAQs below or, for more information, contact our UTEN team at uten@nyseg.com.


Interested in other geothermal opportunities or clean energy heating and cooling alternatives and NYSEG incentives?

Visit our NYS Clean Heat Rebate Program* webpage.

*NYS Clean Heat incentives are available to NYSEG electric customers or combination natural gas and electric customers (natural gas only customers are not eligible).

Utility Thermal Energy Networks Form title

For home and business owners within the proposed project area, fill out this form to learn more on how to participate

To check our proposed pilot area, please access section 'What is the proposed project area?' on our  FAQs.




NYSEG will conduct a detailed energy analysis of all buildings in the pilot area so customers can understand the energy bill impacts of participating in the pilot.

Yes, though we believe most of the building owners at the selected sites will want to participate. There are many benefits to participating including the potential for lower energy bills and new state-of-the-art geothermal heat pumps that will provide the most efficient heating and central air conditioning available.

Participating customers will enter into an agreement for the duration of the pilot, and provide feedback before, during, and after the pilot to ensure the best experience possible.


Proposed Ithaca pilot territory as outlined:

301-435 Franklin Street

304-414 Adams Street

302-320 Hancock Street

301-405 Third Street

407-421 Second Street

412-521 First Street

504-522 Alice Miller Way

The pilot will be evaluated based on many characteristics, including but not limited to:

• Cost to install and operate

• Benefits to customers

• Customer feedback

• Emissions reductions

• Impacts on utility infrastructure

• Expandability

As is the case currently with power outages, most heating and cooling equipment in buildings will not operate unless there is an on-site generator that provides uninterrupted power.

Homes and businesses with existing onsite backup generators or electric battery storage will be evaluated to see if the current equipment can provide sufficient power to operate the new geothermal heat pump systems.

The thermal energy network is expected to provide the same level of reliability as traditional natural gas utility systems. The distribution system for the network is being designed to incorporate system redundancy.

The introduction of backup pumps and backup power systems should ensure that the thermal energy will continue to flow through the distribution system during an outage event.

Customers heating with natural gas will see a reduction in natural gas consumption and an accompanying increase in electric consumption. The best way to manage this is to understand that the bills are directly tied to how much heating or cooling is used and to set the thermostat appropriately.

Geothermal heat pump systems also operate most efficiently when the temperature is set and left alone rather than frequently changed up and down. If a homeowner or tenant is currently cooling their home with window units, the geothermal heat pump system will enhance their cooling from individual rooms to the entire house.

We offer a budget billing option that helps keep monthly bills more consistent throughout the year, which avoids large spikes in the coldest or hottest months. Seasonal energy saving tips are also available. Visit nysegsmartsolutions.com for more information.

The UTEN will supply a water-based energy transfer fluid to the building that will serve geothermal heat pumps used to supply conditioned air (heating or cooling) to the building. These new geothermal heat pumps will replace the buildings’ existing heating and any central air conditioning units.

Yes. Customers will have a thermostat that they can set to the temperature most comfortable for them. It is important to keep in mind that the temperature setting, like with other heating and cooling systems, will likely impact your monthly electricity bill.

For most customers, it will be as easy as changing a setting on the thermostat to go from cooling to heating or vice versa. 

A geothermal heat pump and associated equipment will be installed with as little disruption as possible. Whenever possible, components of the existing heating and cooling systems (such as ductwork) will be reused.

We are proposing to disconnect each customer's existing heating system(s) for the pilot and to install a new geothermal heat pump system to heat and cool the building. We are also proposing to maintain the existing natural gas service to the buildings so customers have the choice to continue to use other existing natural gas appliances such as cooking equipment and clothing dryers.

Construction involves three overlapping stages:

1)  Drill geothermal wells.

2)  Install thermal distribution main in the right-of- way and install service lines for individual homes and buildings.

3)  Work in customers’ homes and businesses to install geothermal heat pumps and associated equipment.

Each is not dependent on the other, but all three must be completed prior to starting up the network.

The customers' heating systems will remain operational until the geothermal system has been commissioned.

The installation of the geothermal ground loops, thermal distribution mains and service lines are like other utility installations or replacements. We will dig a trench in the utility right-of-way for the piping to be installed. Once the pipes are in place and tested, we will restore any roads, sidewalks or lawns impacted by the new utility service.

The biggest difference with this pilot will be the installation of the geothermal boreholes (vertically-drilled wells), which involve a drill rig and support vehicles that may be working nearby. There will be some construction vehicle noise during approved working hours, but it will be managed as reasonably as possible.

For construction, we will have to dig on private property to install the service lines and may have to dig under fences or other equipment on customers' property. Following installation of the geothermal system, we will restore customers' property to the same or better condition it was in prior to construction.

The routing of the service pipe connections from the mains in the street to customers’ heating equipment in their homes and businesses will be adjusted wherever possible to avoid damaging or the need to remove trees, or other features on customers’ properties.

It is possible that some trees will be affected by the installation of this system, including cutting down trees that are in the direct pathway of the distribution piping. However, there will be no widespread cutting of trees in a neighborhood.

The regular maintenance on customer equipment will consist of air filter changes and performance checks to ensure it’s all meeting manufacturer’s specifications. For the duration of the pilot, the cost of this maintenance and any repairs needed will be covered by NYSEG.

The geothermal loop is underground, just like water, sewer and natural gas utilities. The few access points for pumps, valves and heat exchangers will be predominantly located in the roadways or sidewalks and resemble the same covers used for other underground utilities.

There will also be small utility pump houses and well access points located within the pilot area that will be designed to blend with other nearby structures.

It varies depending on the building type (home or business). We will evaluate each building to determine what type of system works best in terms of available space and required capacity. We will also determine if the building needs an electrical upgrade (for smaller or outdated electrical panels) and modifications for central ductwork or the addition of ductless air distribution systems.

Overall, the customer equipment will often look like and be similarly sized to their current heating and cooling unit.

There will be a geothermal heat pump unit that will look like and be about the size of a furnace or boiler, an air handler, and ducting or ductless head units throughout the building to distribute the hot or cold air produced.

The size of the ductwork or number of ductless units will depend on the size and layout of the building.

Outside of the home or business there will be buried pipes, called thermal distribution mains, installed under the streets or sidewalks and additional pipes, called service lines extending to each individual home or business.

NYSEG is propposing to perform the maintenance of the geothermal equipment for the duration of the pilot project (5 years).

The UTEN and geothermal heat pump equipment are proposed to be owned and operated by NYSEG for the duration of the pilot. We are continuing to review and discuss options for the end of the pilot period that include but are not limited to, transfer of applicable geothermal heat pump and other equipment ownership to the building owners, reverting to non-UTEN geothermal systems supported by individual boreholes, and installation of air source heat pumps.

The New York PSC will have jurisdiction on the final ruling of the proposed Customer Agreement that specifies the course of action at the conclusion of the pilot.

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