How Much Could You Save on Your EV Charging Station Installation?
The Make-Ready program, could reimburse you for up to 100 percent of the costs for electric improvements needed to support EV charging. Click below to check your eligibility and view available incentives.
*NYSERDA incentives may be available to cover a portion of the cost for EVSE hardware. Check website for updates.
If you already have an approved contractor to work with, click “Apply Now” to go straight to the application portal.
Don’t have an approved contractor yet? Find one on the Joint Utilities website.
Why EV Charging Stations are Taking Off
As adoption of EVs continues to grow, so does the demand for convenient locations to charge. Anywhere drivers park for an extended period of time may benefit from installing EV charging stations.
Towns and Cities
EV charging stations represent your support for carbon-free transportation options and can help you meet sustainability goals. EV charging is a valuable service for EV drivers in your community and can attract new visitors to local businesses or attractions.
Retail Businesses
Show off your sustainability, attract new customers and extend the amount of time they spend in your business with EV charging stations. They can even serve as a new revenue stream for your business.
Apartment Buildings
The majority of EV charging is done at home, so having EV charging stations at your property is a substantial and coveted perk that can increase your property value and tenant retention rates. Apartment buildings in Disadvantaged Communities may be eligible for incentives of up to 100 percent. Use our Disadvantaged Communities Map to determine if your site qualifies.
EV charging stations are a great way to show your organization’s commitment to sustainability and are a valuable employee amenity that can help you attract and retain top talent.
Car Dealerships and Gas Stations
Several major automakers have announced plans to increase the number of EV models they produce or phase out gas-powered vehicles altogether. Make sure your business is prepared for the future by installing EV charging stations.
Get Started
The first step toward installing EV charging stations is finding a contractor. They will be able to discuss your plans and help you estimate your incentive savings potential. In order to qualify for Make-Ready incentives, work must be performed by a contractor approved by the Joint Utilities of New York. Click below to find a contractor in your area.
Other Available EV Charging Incentives
While the EV Charging Station Make-Ready program covers everything up to the charging station, other federal, state and local agencies offer complementary incentives for EV charging stations. Be sure to talk with us or your contractor about other incentives that you may be eligible for.
Customers with questions about the program should email