Requirements for Affordable Housing Incentives
To confirm your eligibility, please provide at least one piece of supporting documentation below.
Eligibility Proxy | Details | Documentation Required |
HUD-Regulated Affordable Housing | Properties receiving one of the following subsidies from HUD:
Copy of the HUD contract or contract award notice |
DHCR-Regulated Affordable Housing | Buildings with subsidized mortgages or contracts that place them under the regulatory control of NYSDHCR | Copy of NYSDHCR contract or contract award notice |
Low Income Housing Tax Credits | Properties that receive tax credits for at least 50% of its units | Copy of tax credit award notice from NYSDHCR or NYCHPD |
NYCHPD-Regulated Affordable Housing (or other local housing agency) | Properties with loans, mortgages, or deeds of purchase (HDFC incorporation) from NYCHPD or other local housing agencies | Documentation of current mortgage, loan closing, HDFC incorporation or deeds |
SONYMA mortgage insurance | Properties subsidized for low- to moderate-income multi-family residents with SONYMA subsidized financing through the HFA | Copy of loan closing/mortgage insurance award documents |
Weatherization Assistance Program | Properties that have fulfilled the eligibility requirements for the Weatherization Assistance Program | Copy of the letter from the Weatherization Agency confirming the project’s income eligibility |
HFA 80/20 Program | Properties that have been accepted into the Housing Finance Agency’s 80/20 Program | Copy of the award letter or HFA contract documents |
NYCHDC 80/20 or Mixed Income Programs | Properties that have been accepted into the NYC Housing Development Corporation’s 80/20 Program or Mixed Income Program | Copy of the award letter or HDC contract documents |
This applies to affordable housing projects that do not meet the proxy requirements. This method is only available to properties that have a rent roll. Applicants must submit the annual rent, size, and occupancy for each apartment in the property. At least 25% of the units must have a calculated household income no more than 80% of the Area or State Median Income; based on the assumption that 30% of household income is applied to housing costs (i.e., rent). A spreadsheet tool is available for determining Rent Roll income eligibility upon request.
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