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Energy delivery and supply

NYSEG is your energy delivery company. We deliver electricity or gas to your home or business safely and reliably over our wires and pipelines. You purchase your energy supply from NYSEG or any other energy supplier. Your energy price is made up of delivery, supply and transition charges. The delivery charge is what you pay NYSEG to transport energy to you and is a fixed charge. The supply charge is what you pay your supplier for the energy you use. The transition charge reflects the costs of making the energy industry more competitive.

Electricity Supply Choices

You have a choice of electricity suppliers. No matter which supplier you choose, NYSEG will continue to deliver energy to you. If your power is interrupted, you have a natural gas emergency or you have questions regarding your energy delivery service, NYSEG will be there for you.

  • Electricity supply: Electricity customers can purchase their electricity supply from NYSEG or any other supplier, also known as an energy services company (ESCO). NYSEG’s supply service consists of variable NYSEG electricity supply and transition charges, and a fixed NYSEG delivery charge. The supply charge changes each month as the market price of electricity fluctuates. View the current NYSEG Supply Rate here.

  • ESCO electricity supply service:  ESCO supply customers pay an electricity supply charge, a variable NYSEG transition charge and a fixed NYSEG delivery charge. How much you pay for your electricity supply depends on an agreement with your supplier. View our list of suppliers

Natural Gas Supply Choices

As with electricity supply, natural gas customers can purchase their natural gas supply from NYSEG or another natural gas supplier (ESCO). 

  • NYSEG’s Sales Service consists of a variable NYSEG natural gas supply charge and transition surcharge, and a fixed NYSEG delivery charge. The supply charge and transition surcharge change each month as the market price of natural gas fluctuates.
  • NYSEG Transportation Service consists of an ESCO natural gas supply charge, a variable NYSEG transition surcharge and a fixed NYSEG delivery charge. How much you pay for your natural gas supply depends on your agreement with your supplier.  View our list of suppliers.

Pursuant to PSC Order 12-M-0476, Energy Supply Companies must satisfy conditions before servicing customers enrolled in our Energy Assistance Program. 

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