Ausable River


Current Whitewater Access Gate Status: The whitewater gate is OPEN for the season.

Normal Hours of Operation
Normal hours of operation are from sunrise to sunset from the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend through October 31. The pedestrian gate will remain unlocked during this period. The pedestrian access gate will be locked when site access is restricted and from January 1 through the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend and November 1 through December 31.

Access Restriction Notification
NYSEG may need to restrict access to the project site for purposes of public safety (construction and maintenance activities, emergency events, Homeland Security alerts, etc.). Should access be restricted, NYSEG will post information on this website and post a sign at the pedestrian gate.

Parking Area
The four car parking area near the pedestrian gate may be used for whitewater access. This is a 40 foot-wide x 18 foot-deep, parking area.

Whitewater Access Trail
There is a 4-foot-wide, 7-foot-high, galvanized steel pedestrian gate located on the east side of the facility access road that may be used by whitewater paddlers to access the project. The plant access road will serve as the access trail from the pedestrian gate to the powerhouse. The stairway sections at the powerhouse are designed to be used to gain access to the put-in site.

Temporary restroom facilities
A temporary restroom facility will be placed inside the pedestrian gate near the rackhouse.

Trash Receptacles
A trash receptacle will be placed inside the pedestrian gate and near the access stairs to the put-in.



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