

By providing your email address below, we will no longer send you emails regarding:

  • Weather conditions that may impact your electric service.
  • Updates on outages.
  • Energy efficiency and information on NYSEG products and services.

Unsubscribing will not affect your ability to receive account-specific billing, payment, meter reading, storm alert and outage information emails.

As required by law, we will process your request within 10 business days.



Please note:

  • The Company does not sell lists of its customers, their mail or electronic addresses, or any information that would identify a specific customer.
  • We do not share such information except as may be required by regulatory or law-enforcement agencies, or as necessary to obtain assistance or direct referrals for customers eligible for special programs such as low-income assistance or energy-efficiency improvements.
  • We never sell or provide customer contact information to any outside company or agency without your consent unless
    required to by law.
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