Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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With AutoPay electronic funds transfer NYSEG will automatically deduct your NYSEG payment from your checking account 23 business days after we mail your bill. The actual date that money will be deducted from your account will be noted on each billing statement you receive from us. Enroll by printing our AutoPay Enrollment Form and mail it to us or fill out the form on the back of your bill.


If you are using NYSEG's eBill service, all personal data is held in strict confidence behind firewalls. The bills are encrypted as they are displayed across the Internet, assuring confidentiality of information.

If you are using an online billing service provider other than NYSEG's eBill service, please contact the provider regarding the security of their online billing service.


To enroll in NYSEG's eBill service, you'll need to create a secure Login ID and password, then follow the instructions to select the account(s) you wish to view and pay online, enter your banking and payment preferences, and you're set.

For other online billing service providers, know that each one operates differently. However, the process typically includes:

  1. Enrolling with an online billing service provider at their web site.
  2. Activate your NYSEG account by adding NYSEG to your list of companies for online bill payment.
  3. View new bills by logging onto your online billing service account at your service provider's web site.
  4. Pay your NYSEG bill by directing your online billing service provider to transfer money from your bank account to NYSEG electronically.

You decide how much to pay and when the transaction is to occur.


When you close your NYSEG account, your online billing for that account will also be closed. You will need to activate your new NYSEG account at or with your online billing service provider.

You'll need to contact NYSEG, or contact your online billing service provider as well as NYSEG. You can contact our NYSEG Customer Relations Center at 800.572.1111, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. excluding holidays.

  • Click on Turn On Service and follow the instructions.
  • You may also call our Customer Relations Center at 800.572.1111, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. excluding holidays.
  • Click on Turn Off Service and follow the instructions.
  • You may also call our Customer Relations Center at 800.572.1111, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. excluding holidays.

You can have multiple accounts associated with a single Login ID and password. Once you’ve logged in, you can access all your NYSEG accounts (and all those you are authorized by other account holders to access). Just select one account at a time and then use the personalized meter reading form to submit readings for all meters on that account.  

With a Login ID and Password you can use our personalized prefilled form. Just click on our Send Us Your Meter Reading form.


Instructions are found on the Send Us Your Meter Reading form.


A reminder can be sent to you via an automated phone call or a postcard. When it's time to read the meter(s), we’ll send the reminder via the method you selected.

This service is for customers who prefer to receive bills for actual energy use on the months we would normally send an estimated bill. Customer meter reading is also for customers that have inside meters and it's not convenient to be home when the meter reader arrives.


You still call NYSEG. NYSEG will continue to safely and reliably deliver your electricity no matter which supplier you choose. For questions about electricity supply from your ESCO or about the ESCO portion of your electricity bill, contact your ESCO.

Effective January 1, 2010, NYSEG does not offer a fixed electricity supply price. Some ESCOs may have fixed supply offers. For the most up-to-date list of ESCOs, please visit our online list of suppliers Electricity Suppliers .

You can select either NYSEG or an ESCO as your suppler at any time. Please note, if you agree to purchase your electricity supply from an ESCO, you may incur a fee for ending your agreement early. Check with your ESCO prior to any switch.

You may purchase your electricity supply from NYSEG or an energy services company (ESCO). For the most up-to-date list of ESCOs, please visit our online list of suppliers: Electricity Suppliers

View all of our Payment Options.

We offer you several ways to pay your bill:

  • Receive and pay your NYSEG bill online through our eBill service or through your own online billing provider.

  • Use AutoPay (electronic funds transfer). With AutoPay, we’ll automatically deduct your payment from your checking account on the date indicated on the bill (approximately 23 days after we mail your bill each month). To sign up, Enroll in AutoPay or complete the form on the back of your bill payment stub.

  • Make a one-time payment online or by calling us at 800.572.1111 (and still receive paper bills). Go paper- and worry-free by combining AutoPay and eBill, our online billing services.

  • Mail your payment to NYSEG, P.O. Box 847812, Boston, MA 02284-7812

  • Use our self-service kiosks available at our walk-in offices. They accept cash, credit cards and check transactions. Pay In Person

  • Pay In Person: Bring your payment to one of our approved pay agents – and any Walmart location nationwide – and it will post to your NYSEG account the next business day.

  • Leave your payment in our drop-box at one of our walk-in offices. Pay In Person

If I sign up for NYSEG's eBill service or enroll with another online billing provider, can I also enroll in NYSEG's AutoPay service and have my bill payments automatically deducted from my checking account?

Yes. If you're already paying your bill online through a billing service provider and want to enroll in NYSEG's AutoPay service, just print our  AutoPay Enrollment Form , complete it and mail it to us.

They are all the same thing: A supplier other than NYSEG is often called an energy services company or ESCO. An ESCO is an unregulated business that sells electricity supply directly to you. NYSEG continues to deliver the electricity to you. For the most up-to-date list of ESCOs, please visit our online list of suppliers: Electricity Suppliers


You can pay your NYSEG bill using a debit or credit card. There is no cost for this service. You will be able to accept or decline the transaction prior to submitting your payment. Please allow up to three days for processing. If you prefer other no-cost payment options, please view our full range of ways to pay your bill here .

Yes, but you'll need to create a Login ID and password as an authorized user of the account -- if you are not authorized to access the account information, have the account holder contact us to authorize you. You can contact our Customer Relations Center at 800.572.1111, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. excluding holidays.

No. Once you enroll in NYSEG's eBill service or with another online billing provider, we will no longer mail you a bill.


  • The next time your account bills, you will be able to view your bill online.
  • After receiving your first bill online, future bills will be available online approximately 28 days after the date that appears on the left side of your most recent bill.
  • Click on Log In.
  • Follow the instructions as they are displayed to log in or to create your Online Services Login ID and Password.
  • To create a Login ID and Password, you’ll need to enter your NYSEG account number.


If you have multiple accounts, NYSEG has automatically grouped them for you. Once you create your secure Login ID and password, you will be able to access all of your accounts when you log in. If you have authorized people to access your accounts, they can create their own Login IDs and passwords as authorized users and only access the accounts that you've given them permission to see.

  • Click on Forgot Your Login ID?
  • Enter an account number associated with your Login ID and your Password.
  • Your Login ID will be displayed and you will be able to access our Online Services.




Switching to light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) is an easy way to use energy safely and wisely. It’s a change that will go a long way in helping you to reduce energy waste, greenhouse gas emissions, and the amount you spend on energy costs.

NYSEG offers Wind Energy to customers who want to help our environment. When you purchase Wind Energy credits, wind-generated electricity is delivered to the New York power grid on your behalf, reducing the need for energy produced from other resources. Your purchase helps the environment and makes our communities even better places to live and work.

Yes, NYSEG encourages customers to improve their home’s energy efficiency, and we offer rebates for high-efficiency home heating and water heating upgrades, as well as lighting upgrades for multi-family apartment and condominium owners. We also have an online Your Energy Savings Store that offers rebates and deals on energy-efficient equipment.  NYSERDA Residents & Homeowners

Our Smart Savings Rewards programs offer incentives to residential and small business customers when they reduce electricity use during times of peak summer electricity demand. We have programs that will benefit your home or business and help alleviate the strain on New York State’s power supply.

Energy-Wise Checklist

By using energy wisely, you can increase the comfort of your home, help protect the environment and better manage your energy costs. We have 76 low-cost, no-cost energy saving tips for your heating and cooling, kitchen, bath, laundry, attic, basement, water heater, living areas and the exterior of your home.

Storm Information

  • Keep flashlights, a battery-powered radio and fresh batteries handy. 
  • Have at least one telephone that is not dependent on electricity. (Cordless phones won’t work during a power interruption.) 
  • Keep a supply of non-perishable food and bottled water on hand. 
  • If you have a cell phone, make sure the battery is fully charged. 
  • Contact neighbors to see if their power is off. You may have simply blown a fuse or tripped a circuit breaker.
  • Visit Storm Information for more information and additional storm safety tips.

How We Restore Power

Our emergency service restoration plan aims to help our crews repair downed lines and restore power to customers within the shortest time possible. While restoring everyone’s power is important, getting critical facilities back on line – places like hospitals and shelters – has to be a priority. Visit How We Restore Power  for more information.

Emergency Resources

Visit our website for outage updates, the latest news releases, and bottled water and dry ice distribution stations.

Outage Information

Sign up for NYSEG Outage Alerts and you will be notified by text message, email, phone or all three. We'll keep you informed with an estimated time of restoration, and an alert when power is restored. Log in to your online NYSEG account to sign up. You can also visit Outage Central to view estimated restoration times.

Outage Central

You can report a power outage by calling 800.572.1131 or visiting Outage Central. If you have a natural gas emergency, exit the building then call us at 800.572.1121 a safe location.


Whether you're a contractor or a homeowner doing an outdoor project, having underground utilities marked is essential to protect yourself and others from injury and prevent damage to underground utility lines. Contact Dig Safely . New York at 811 or 1.800.962.7962 at least 2 working days (not counting the day you call) but not more than 10 working days before you plan to start your project. Digging can be dangerous and costly if you don't have underground facilities marked before you start.

Keep flashlights, a battery-powered radio and fresh batteries handy.

Have at least one telephone that is not dependent on electricity. (Cordless phones won’t work during a power interruption.)

Keep a supply of non-perishable food and bottled water on hand.

If you have a cell phone, make sure the battery is fully charged.

Contact neighbors to see if their power is off. You may have simply blown a fuse or tripped a circuit breaker.

Visit Storm Safety Information for more information and additional storm safety tips.

Use your senses to detect gas leaks. A natural gas leak is usually recognized by smell, sight, or sound. Remember, if you smell natural gas, get up, get out and get away. Then call us immediately from a safe location.

  • Smell: Natural gas is colorless and odorless. For your safety, a distinctive sulfur-like odor, similar to rotten eggs, is added so that you’ll recognize it quickly. Not all transmission lines are odorized.

  • Sight: You may see a white cloud, mist, fog, bubbles in standing water or blowing dust. You may also see vegetation that appears to be dead or dying for no apparent reason.

  • Sound: You may hear an unusual noise like roaring, hissing, or whistling.

There are several electrical safety myths that you should be aware of. Please visit our website Safety Myths to view some of the common misconceptions such as “Tires are electrical insulators.” They are actually conductors, not insulators.

If you suspect a natural gas leak, get up, get out, and get away! Then call us immediately at 1.800.572.1121 or 911 from a safe location. We will respond quickly to ensure that you and your family are safe.

  • Do not smoke or operate electrical switches or appliances. These items may produce a spark that might ignite the natural gas and cause an explosion.

  • Do not assume someone else will report the condition.

  • Provide the exact location, including cross streets.

  • Let us know if sewer construction or digging activities are going on in the area

Weather Adjustment moderates natural gas bills during any extreme weather between October 1 and May 31. If temperatures during the billing period are colder than normal, customers typically receive a weather adjustment credit. If temperatures are warmer than normal, customers receive a weather adjustment charge.

Pipeline Safety

More than 2.2 million miles of pipelines and mains quietly, reliably and efficiently deliver natural gas every day for use by residential, commercial and industrial customers. Almost all of the natural gas consumed in the United States is produced domestically and delivered via a transmission and distribution infrastructure that has an outstanding safety record.

Compare  natural gas to the cost of other heating fuels.

Get natural gas service in three steps:

  • Step 1: Apply Today

To begin the application process apply online or call us at 800.572.1111


  • Step 2: Complete the Commitment Letter

Once you have applied for service our representative will mail you a commitment letter for your signature. This is a simple agreement between you and RG&E that says if we install a natural gas service to your home you will connect a gas appliance to this new service within 90 days. Fill in any additional requested information, mark your preferred location for the natural gas meter on the map on the reverse side of the letter, and return the letter to us in the postage paid envelope. One of our engineers will then visit your home to complete the service and meter design. The job next goes to our construction department.

  • Step 3: Connect!

Once the service and meter are installed you can have your natural gas appliances connected. Once your appliances have been installed, call NYSEG to schedule our crew to turn on the natural gas.

You or your contractor should plan to be at home for the turn on appointment.

That’s all there is to it! We take care of everything that you need on our side of the meter. All you have to do is pick out and have your natural gas appliances installed.

Our online Energy Library has links to frequently requested information for your home. You can also view the current and past issues of EnergyLines, our bill insert  newsletter.

If you are experiencing a life-threatening electricity emergency, please call 911 immediately. Otherwise, please contact us at 800.572.1131 for electricity outages or trouble.

If you are experiencing a natural gas emergency, or if you smell a natural gas odor, get up, get out and get away! Then immediately call NYSEG at 800.572.1121 or 911 from a safe location.

To report an electricity outage, please call 800.572.1131 or visit Outage Central .

Self Service Line: 800.600.2275 (24 hours/7days)

Customer Service: 800.572.1111 (Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m., excluding holidays)

Payment Arrangements: 888.315.1755

Hearing/Speech impaired (TTY): New York Relay Service - Dial 711

Dig Safe: 811 or 800.962.7962

Nodo: liferay-7:8080