NYSEG Residential Agricultural Discount Program Application
- Print the NYSEG Residential Agricultural Discount program application
- You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. You can download the latest version for free at this link.
After completing the application:
1. Make a copy of your completed application.
2. Attach to your completed application a copy of one of the following forms (supporting documentation) that you submitted with your most recently filed federal tax return:
- IRS Schedule F - Profit or Loss From Farming
- Or, Form 1120, 1120S or 1065 and you have indicated on the form one of the eligible Business Activity codes .
The above is an eligibility requirement.
3. Submit your application and supporting documentation to NYSEG via:
- Mail to: NYSEG, P.O. Box 5240, Binghamton New York 13902-5240, Attn: Back Office Billing
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