Your Energy Data

Your Energy Data

Understanding how you use energy is the first step to taking control of your energy usage. The Energy Smart Community connects residents and businesses in Tompkins County to their usage data in a variety of ways. 

View smart meter installation map

Smart meters

An electric and/or natural gas smart meter transmits hourly energy use and meter status data to us, giving you the ability to:

  • Connect with Energy Manager to monitor your energy usage more precisely and identify energy-saving opportunities
  • Make more informed decisions based on your energy data, including finding the best pricing option for you
  • Receive bills based on actual meter readings every month
  • Determine quickly and easily whether programs like Smart Savings Rewards and other energy efficiency programs could benefit you

If there is a power outage, your meter status data informs us automatically, allowing us to send repair crews and restore your power faster.

Smart meters FAQs 

Energy Manager

Energy Manager connects you to your home or business’s smart meter data to analyze your usage, allowing you to:Drawing of laptop computer with graphs on the screen

  • Create a customized energy savings plan based on your usage data
  • See a detailed breakdown of where you use energy in different areas of your home
  • Filter your usage data by hour, day, month, or year
  • Track progress against your energy savings goals
  • Evaluate if the Smart Usage Plan makes sense for you

Log in and open Energy Manager

Energy Manager FAQs


EnergyTrack is a customized quarterly usage report that gives you detailed insights, including: Drawing of pieces of paper with graphs on them.

  • A usage-based estimation of where you use energy, broken down by different areas of your home
  • Hour-by-hour view of your average daily energy use
  • Customized analysis available when you complete a quick and easy online home assessment
  • Quick energy-saving tips
  • Recommended ways to save from the Energy Smart Community

View sample EnergyTrack report 

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