Community Choice Aggregation

Community Choice Aggregation

Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) allows local cities, towns and villages to procure energy supply service for eligible residents and small businesses in their community. Millions of customers nationwide are served by CCA programs across seven states: New York, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Ohio, New Jersey, and Rhode Island.

Here's How it Works

The CCA administrator chooses the supply source from an Energy Services Company (ESCO) on behalf of the community in accordance with rules and orders of the New York State Public Service Commission and local laws enacted by the municipality.

The local government or CCA administrator mails letters to customers advising them of the CCA arrangement including the selected ESCO, and action customers must take if they do not want to participate. NYSEG sends letters to enrolled customers notifying them of the date the change in their energy supplier will become effective.

NYSEG will continue to deliver reliable power, maintain power lines, and respond to service outages. We provide the same customer service to all residents regardless of whether or not they are enrolled in the Community Choice Aggregation program.

To learn more about Community Choice Aggregation, please visit our frequently asked questions.

The following municipalities have chosen Community Choice Aggregation.

CCA Administrator ESCO Municipality Supply Type

Sustainable Westchester

Phone:  914.242.4725


Constellation New Energy


  • Town of Bedford
  • Town of North Salem
  • Town of Pound Ridge

Good Energy

Phone: 833.696.3759


Direct Energy Services

Phone: 866.968.8065

Town of Union Gas

You can visit Department of Public Service and NYSERDA for more information on CCA. 

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   CCA Administrators can email inquiries to Please note, this email address is for administrators only.

For a fixed standard offer, CCA Administrators and Municipalities are required to include a utility comparison price in customer opt-out letters. The utility comparison price is a 12-month trailing average supply price. You can view our 12-month average trailing supply pricing online here.

Yes. Each municipality intending to implement a Community Choice Aggregation program must pass legislation to exercise its Municipal Home Rule Law authority after holding a public hearing.

All customers of electricity and natural gas utilities are able to participate. Some commercial and industrial customers will have to opt-in rather than being included on an opt-out basis. Currently, NYSEG residential SC 1 and small commercial customers SC 6 are included on an opt-out basis. 

All towns, cities, and villages are eligible to participate. If a community chooses to pursue Community Choice Aggregation, local government officials must hold a public hearing to discuss the opportunity, pass a local law authorizing the municipality’s participation, and communicate the details to their residents and small businesses.

If you receive your energy supply from someone other than NYSEG for your energy supply type, you will continue to receive that supply from your current ESCO.

Contact the CCA ESCO to further discuss your eligibility and request for enrollment. 

Before the transfer to the CCA ESCO has occurred, follow the instructions in the letters you have received to opt out of the program. 

After the transfer to the CCA ESCO has occurred, contact the CCA ESCO to discuss terms of ending your participation and any associated penalties.  

Contact your CCA ESCO

Letters are sent to customers who will be automatically enrolled in the program. Letters are not sent to customers who currently receive supply from someone other than NYSEG. In addition, customers receiving assistance to pay their energy bills may not receive letters. Contact the CCA ESCO to further discuss your eligibility. 

Contact your local city, town, or village government office. 

Participation is up to you. Every customer that currently receives energy from their utility will be given full advanced notice of the program’s initiation and clear instructions on how they can opt-out.

NYSEG was ordered by the Public Service Commission to provide customer information necessary to support this program.

Your municipality can rebid and procure supply from the same or different ESCO. If no agreement is secured with an ESCO, NYSEG will become your default supplier or you can choose to enroll with a different supplier. Your municipality or CCA is expected to communicate their choice. 

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