Project SHARE

Project SHARE

The Project SHARE Heating Fund is designed to help our income-eligible customers with active disconnect notices in our service areas. The fund is administered by HeartShare Human Services of New York. Since 1982, this fund has helped 62,850 families with grants totaling more than $17 million.

To receive a Project SHARE Heating Fund grant, you must:

  • Have an active NYSEG or RG&E account
  • Meet the HEAP income guideline
  • Have an active disconnect notice
  • Exhausted all other assistance programs, such as HEAP, Emergency HEAP and local or county emergency aid

Download a Project SHARE fact sheet.

Learn more about HEAP and available grants.

Active Duty Military and Veterans

Active duty military personnel and well-discharged (honorary or general) veterans may qualify for a Project SHARE Heating Fund grant without adhering to the eligibility guidelines above.

  • They may qualify regardless of income (HEAP grant is not a requirement).
  • The active account may be in the spouse's/partner's name.
  • The military member of veteran does not have to reside in the household, however, the spouse/partner must.
  • The household must have an active disconnect notice.

How to Apply

The Project SHARE Heating Fund is currently closed for new grant applications and is expected to reopen in early 2025. Learn more about other assistance programs available here.

Customers can apply in person or by phone at conveniently located agencies or organizations. Find the agency or organization closest to you, or call toll-free 844.579.5555 for a recorded message.

To apply by phone or speak to a representative, you can call toll-free 800.599.4327 weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST

Your Dollars Can Help Those Facing Energy Emergencies

Join our company, our other customers and employees in helping veterans, active military personnel and others in need by making a donation to the Project SHARE Heating Fund.

We have three easy ways you can make your donation to the Project SHARE Heating Fund:

  1. Through Automatic Giving by having us add a whole dollar amount to your future NYSEG bills.
  2. Add exactly $1, $2 or $5 to your next NYSEG bill payment.
  3. Send a check in any amount payable to Project SHARE Heating Fund, and mail it to HeartShare Human Services of New York, 12 Metro Tech Center, 29th  Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201.

Give automatically

You can have your donation deducted monthly by enrolling in automated giving below:


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