Home Energy Assistance Program

Home Energy Assistance Program

The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federal grant program that helps eligible households pay for energy costs, repairs and weatherization.

Income eligible customers may receive one regular HEAP benefit per season. In addition to regular HEAP, the household may also be eligible for emergency HEAP benefits. The number of emergency benefits varies per season depending on the availability of funds.

For more information or to apply for a HEAP grant, visit http://otda.ny.gov/programs/heap/.

Download a HEAP and EAP Fact Sheet.

Regular HEAP reopened on January 25, 2025. Emergency HEAP benefits are available until funds are exhausted.

If you are having trouble paying your NYSEG bill, don't wait, contact us immediately at 888.315.1755. Together we can work on a solution.

To qualify for a HEAP grant, your household income must fall within HEAP guidelines:

Maximum Income Levels For Receipt of HEAP Benefits in 2024-25


Household Size Tier I Monthly Income Tier II Monthly Income Annual Income
1 $0 - $1,631 $1,632 - $3,322 $39,874
2 $0 - $2,214 $2,215 - $4,345 $52,143
3 $0 - $2,797 $2,798 - $5,367 $64,412
4 $0 - $3,380 $3,381 - $6,390 $76,681
5 $0 - $3,962 $3,963 - $7,412 $88,949
6 $0 -$4,545 $4,546 - $8,434 $101,218
7 $0 - $5,128 $5,129 - $8,626 $103,519
8 $0 - $5,711 $5,712 - $8,818 $105,819
9 $0 - $6,294 $6,295 - $9,010 $108,120
10 $0 - $6,877 $6,878 - $9,201 $110,420
11 $0 - $7,459 $7,460 - $9,393 $112,721
12 $0 - $8,042 $8,043 - $9,585 $115,021
13 $0 - $8,625 $8,626 - $9,952 $119,430
Each additional person +$582  +$672 +$8,070
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