Landlords and Renters

Landlords and Renters

Rental property owners or agents: protect your property, assist your tenants and manage your accounts with our services. 

  • Landlords: Share our new printable Quick Start flyer with your tenants for them to get their service started or stopped promptly.
  • Rental Property Coding Service: We’ll code your rental property accounts with instructions to be used whenever we receive a request from a tenant to take service out of their name. Interested? Fill out and return our Rental Property Coding Service form
  • You can even enroll these accounts in our free payment options such as online billing or electronic funds transfer once they revert to your name. 
  • Customer/Landlord Request for Service: Help your tenants put service in their name by providing them with our Customer/Landlord Request for Service form. If you want to know if your tenant receives a reminder or termination notice, use this same form to enroll in our Third Party Notification Service form, which (with your tenant's written consent) allows us to notify you by mail when reminder or termination notices are sent – without obligating you financially.

If your tenant already has service and you wish to be notified if they receive reminder or termination notices, use this Third Party Notification Service form to enroll instead. 

Billing History Request

Upon written request from a prospective tenant, we will provide, at no cost, the total electricity and/or natural gas two-year billing history of the prospective residential rental premises. We will provide this information to the prospective landlord, or other authorized person, within ten days of receipt of the written request.

The following fees shall be charged to fulfill any individual request for meter read data, billed history, or both simultaneously, for a single customer service point:

  • No fee for the first two requests within a 12-month period.
  • $15 for each additional request within a 12-month period beyond two requests.
  • $15 for each request beyond the most recent two-year billing history (up to and including six years of available data).

The above fees are to be paid for by the person making the request.

For more information, please refer to the tariff leafs below.

•    NYSEG PSC No: 90 Gas
•    NYSEG PSC No: 119 Electricity

Shared Meter Form

Landlord/tenant shared meter agreement form

To apply, complete the application form.

Mail the application form to:

Attn: Customer Relations Center - Correspondence
P.O. Box 5224
Binghamton, NY 13902-5224

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